ALIWEB-Title: Rogers Chapman - UK Commercial Property and Real Estate
Description: Rogers Chapman is a long established, multi-disciplinary firm of Chartered Surveyors with offices in Central London, West London and the Thames Valley. The firm has extensive experience of rating matters including negotiations with Valuation Officers and the presentation of
cases at Valuation Tribunals. Many substantial reductions were negotiated on behalf of clients following the 1990 Rating Revaluation with reductions achieved normally in the region of 5% to 50%.
Keywords: Surveyors, Real Estate, Valuation, Rates
Title: Rogers Chapman - UK Commercial Property and Real Estate
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Electrolux
Description: Electrolux is the world's leading producer of household appliances. In white goods, the Group is the European market leader and as owner of Frigidaire Company is the third largest producer in the US.
Keywords: domestic appliances, white goods, garden tools, refrigerators, washing machines
Title: Electrolux
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: SQL Star People Ltd
Description: SQL Star People Ltd, undertakes computer software projects, on-site and off-shore in India.
Keywords: software, database, AS/400
Title: SQL Star People Ltd
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Magazine und Zeitungen im Web
Description: A list of press resources in the Web (mostly german)
Keywords: Magazines Magazine Newspapers Zeitungen Fernsehen TV press germany
Title: Magazine und Zeitungen im Web
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: GeckoTree (experimental)
Description: Subject Tree, generated from comp.infosystems.www.announce (experimental and growing)
Keywords: search WWW www germany Heidelberg find subject tree suchen Suche web comp.infosystems.announce announce infosystems
Title: GeckoTree (experimental)
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Restaurants, Pubs, Clubs and Culture in Heidelberg
Description: Collection of good museums, restaurants, clubs and other useful adresses in Heidelberg/ Germany.
Keywords: jazz clubs Heidelberg music Germany Essen Trinken live cafes Kulture culture discos Restaurant kneipen pubs Musik
Title: Restaurants, Pubs, Clubs and Culture in Heidelberg
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Internet- Zugaenge im Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald Gebiet
Description: Internet Acces in the Rhein- Neckar-Odenwald Area/ Germany
Keywords: Zugang Internet Rhein Neckar Odenwald Individual Network swb access
Title: Internet- Zugaenge im Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald Gebiet
ALIWEB-Title: Informatik in Berlin und Brandenburg
Description: All Computer Science Departments in Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
Keywords: computer science, Berlin, Brandenburg
Title: Informatik in Berlin und Brandenburg
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: TU Berlin, Computer Science Department
Description: Homepage of the Computer Science Department of Berlin University of Technology
Keywords: computer science, documentation, Rechnerorganistion und Schaltwerke, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Prozeßdatenverarbeitung,Rechnertechnologie, Rechnerarchitektur, FIRST, Formale Spezifikation, Theoretische Informatik, Algorithmik und Logik, Funktionales und Logisches Progr
ammieren, Kommunikations- und Betriebssysteme,Offene Kommunikationssysteme, Computergestützte Informationssysteme, Programmiersprachen und Compiler, Softwaretechnik, Übersetzerbau und Programmiersprachen, Angewandte Elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Wissensbasierte Systeme, Knowleg
e Based Systems, Informatikmethoden in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Gesellschaft, Statistik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Ökonometrie und Statistik, Operations Research, Systemanalyse und EDV
Title: TU Berlin, Computer Science Department
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: TU Berlin, Berlin University of Technology
Description: Homepage of Berlin University of Technology
Description: Links zu wichtigen Esperanto-Infos und inoff. HP der Deutschen Esperanto-Jugend;/links to many esperanto-info and unofficial HP of the German Esperanto-Youth;/ligoj al multaj e-aferoj kaj neoficiala hejmpagxo de Germana Esperanto Junularo
Keywords: Esperanto, DEJ, GEJ, Treffen
Publisher-Organization-Handle: Deutsche Esperanto-Jugend
Description: An Archive of Documents which descripes how to build diffrent colour boxes and how to use them. Boxes are usefull if you do not want to pay for a telephone call.
Keywords: Phreak, Hack, Telephone, Blue Box, Colour
Title: Boxing
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Credit Card Fraud
Description: Explains how to card stuff and much more.
Description: A test Homepage about palestine including some documents, infos, addresses and pictures from and about palestine.
Keywords: palestine, arab, arabs, arabic, west bank, jerusalem, bethlehem, gaza strip, jerico, israel, middle east, plo, arij, internet in palestine, universities in palestine, documentation
Author-Handle: Graduiertenkolleg 'Kommunikationsbasierte Systeme' Postgraduate Research Program
Description: Homepage of the Graduiertenkolleg 'Kommunikationsbasierte Systeme'
Keywords: Graduiertenkolleg zur F;ouml;rderung des wissenschaftlischen Nachwuchses an der TU, FU und HU Berlin, bis zu 20 Doktoranden und Postdoktorandenstipendien von der DFG, Forschungsprogramm umfaßt T;auml;tigkeiten aus dem gesamten Spannungsfeld der Anwendungs-, System- und Konzeptorient
ierung kommunikationsbasierter Systeme, Studienprogramm dient dem Aufbaustudium und dem Erwerb von Spezialwissen aus dem Bereich kommunikationsbasierter Systeme